Submission Guidelines

We are pleased to invite emerging, mid-career and under-represented artists to submit the following material to our LES Artist Registry:

Selection Process
Reviewed quarterly by the Artists Alliance Inc. Registry Committee–comprised of representatives from the local contemporary arts community–applicants will be selected based on the artistic quality of his or her work and relationship to the Lower East Side neighborhood. Successful applicants will live and/or work on the Lower East Side or articulate a particular connection to the surrounding community. When submitting proposals, please carefully review and follow the guidelines outlined below. Applications that do not meet the submission guidelines will not be considered.

All artists and curators are eligible, regardless of age, gender, or nationality – EXCEPT:
–     those who are currently enrolled in a college or university program
–     those who currently have NYC gallery representation

Submission Guidelines
Please address all submissions to with the subject “LES Artist Registry – YOUR NAME”

1. Connection to the Lower East Side (max 60 words)
—     One to two sentences describing how your work or practice relates to the artistic and cultural traditions of the Lower East Side.

2. Artist Statement (max 200 words)

3. Artist Website

4. Social Media Profiles (optional)
—     Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.

5. Sample Work (max 6 images)
—     JPGs should be a maximum of 1200 x 1200 pixels
—     Each file should be labeled “artist last name_title of work”
—     For video-based work, include a still that meets the above specs and provide a link to the material (with caption) in the Image List
—     For sound work, provide a link to the material (with caption) in the Image List

6. Image List with name, title, year, dimensions, and medium.

Please note:
Submit items 1-4 as a single PDF and attach sample work JPGs in a zipped folder (.zip).
Do not submit audio or video files with your application (JPGs only). See Sample Work guidelines.
Do not include any application material in the body of your email.

Please address all submissions to with the subject “LES Artist Registry – YOUR NAME”