Showing 426 Result(s)

Johannah Herr

Johannah Herr holds an MFA in Sculpture from Cranbrook Academy of Art (2016) and a BFA in Fine Arts from Parsons School of Design (2009). She has had solo shows at The Shirley Fiterman Art Center, Spring Break Art Fair, Geary Contemporary, NADA House Governor’s Island, Elijah Wheat Showroom, BRIC and Envoy Enterprises (all New …

Lelia Byron

Lelia Byron is an interdisciplinary artist who makes paintings, sculptures, and public art projects. Lelia’s projects frequently involve an investigative component, often interviewing diverse groups of people about topics related to human rights and the creative process. Recent projects include a solo exhibition of paintings and sculptures at the Springfield Museum of Art, which were …

W.A.I. The Cast of the Invisible

Download the Education & Accessibility Guide for W.A.I. The Cast of the Invisible Curatorial Assistant Manavi Sinha Cuchifritos Gallery + Project Space is very pleased to present W.A.I. The Cast of the Invisible, featuring new work by New York City-based artist Lau Wai on view from September 6 through November 9, 2024. A response to the ever-expanding …

Geography of Life II

A collaboration with 2nd-grade students from P.S. 48 Mapelton School, Lizania Cruz’ workshop, Geography of Life II, reflected on the historical, existent, and potential futuristic forms of interdependent relationships between human and non-human life. Coming together for six 90-minute sessions, Cruz and participating students explored the following questions: The workshops were structured through observance techniques, …

Jonathan Sánchez Noa

Jonathan Sánchez Noa was born in Havana, Cuba and now lives in Brooklyn. His visual art practice examines how histories of colonial extractivism have impacted notions of race, identity and climate. Through papermaking techniques, he imprints tobacco stain patterns directly into raw pulp slabs. A process informed and influenced by personal ritual, spiritual and vision …

Sunny Leerasanthanah

Sunny Leerasanthanah (b. Bangkok, Thailand) observes how notions of time, place, identity, loss, and affinity are embodied, especially via slippage, repetition, liminality, and limitations. Past and ongoing works include prompting strangers to roleplay and hold conversation in character; inviting people to express the collective imaginary on various topics through sketching and speech; examining narratives around …

Alex Strada

Alex Strada is a multimedia artist and educator based in New York City. Through film/video, installation, sound and orality, performance, and public art, her socially engaged projects explore collectivity, critical legal studies, and political transformation. Transdisciplinary collaboration is at the core of her practice. Since 2022, she has served as the inaugural Public Artist in …

Zahra Jewanjee

Zahra is the recipient of the 2024 Pollock-Krasner Grant and the 2024 Djerassi Artist Residency Program. Zahra Jewanjee is a multidisciplinary artist and educator who oscillates between painting, sculpture, and photography. Inspired by nature and informed by Science and Sufism, Zahra is fascinated by how humans, birds, and microbes all form groups for protection and …