Showing 150 Result(s)

Jonathan Sánchez Noa

Jonathan Sánchez Noa was born in Havana, Cuba and now lives in Brooklyn. His visual art practice examines how histories of colonial extractivism have impacted notions of race, identity and climate. Through papermaking techniques, he imprints tobacco stain patterns directly into raw pulp slabs. A process informed and influenced by personal ritual, spiritual and vision …

Sunny Leerasanthanah

Sunny Leerasanthanah (b. Bangkok, Thailand) observes how notions of time, place, identity, loss, and affinity are embodied, especially via slippage, repetition, liminality, and limitations. Past and ongoing works include prompting strangers to roleplay and hold conversation in character; inviting people to express the collective imaginary on various topics through sketching and speech; examining narratives around …

Alex Strada

Alex Strada is a multimedia artist and educator based in New York City. Through film/video, installation, sound and orality, performance, and public art, her socially engaged projects explore collectivity, critical legal studies, and political transformation. Transdisciplinary collaboration is at the core of her practice. Since 2022, she has served as the inaugural Public Artist in …

Zahra Jewanjee

Zahra is the recipient of the 2024 Pollock-Krasner Grant and the 2024 Djerassi Artist Residency Program. Zahra Jewanjee is a multidisciplinary artist and educator who oscillates between painting, sculpture, and photography. Inspired by nature and informed by Science and Sufism, Zahra is fascinated by how humans, birds, and microbes all form groups for protection and …

Ai Sugiura

Ai Sugiura is a multidisciplinary artist who focuses on the trivial objects of everyday life and rethinks their meaning and function. Sugiura’s artistic practice is driven by her interest in material and space, inside/outside, memory, and the transition between the ordinary and extraordinary. She observes the process of change in objects and people, and their …

Asia Sztencel

Asia Sztencel is a first-generation Polish immigrant, a Brooklyn-based artist. Sztencel is inspired by the role of the artist in the community, emphasizing sensitivity, and a respectful approach. Through conceptual practice and traditional craft, her work offers a personal exploration within the larger narrative of the immigration experience. Highlighting the landscape as a narrative, dissecting …

Roxane Revon

Roxane Revon is a multi-disciplinary artist intrigued by the interdependence between species and more particularly between humans and vegetal beings. She grew up in France and studied philosophy at La Sorbonne University before moving to New York a decade ago where she started her artistic career and continued her education. For a decade, she has …

Nicholas Milkovich

Nicholas Milkovich is an emerging American installation sculptor based in Brooklyn. He is also a mechanical engineer with research in soft-tissue biomechanics. He draws inspiration from biological features found in the human body to create installations meant to invade spaces. Using colorful synthetic materials and repeated form, Milkovich generates work that balances between deadly serious …

Catarina Real

Catarina Real works in the intersection between artistic practice and theoretical research in the expanded fields of painting, writing and choreography, mostly in long-term collaborative projects that address the question of how we can live better collectively. She is currently a PhD student at the Center for Humanistic Studies at the University of Minho with …

Haoua Habré

Haoua Habré is a visual artist who in her artistic research addresses the subject of identity through themes such as childhood, travel and memory. Growing up between Chad, Dakar and France, the subject of identity has always been present in her life, and the artist believes it is what makes us unique and distinguishes us …