Jeanette Lafontine

Norwegian artist Jeanette Lafontine explores both the scientific and the fictional through painting, drawing and sculpture. In an effort to balance the familiar and the incomprehensible, her work oscillates between abstraction and representation allowing her to visualize something that might not exist but can only be imagined. By shifting styles, new processes are continuously revealed and experimented. Whereas in her sculptural work she finds there is little room for intuition, drawing provides her with a great deal of freedom of intuition. The practice of painting however offers Lafontine with the widest spectrum of possibilities.

In 2014, Lafontine received the Diversestipend, Kulturrådet Award from the Arts Council Norway. Her work has been exhibited mainly in Norway. Shows include: “Stipendutstillingen”, Oslo Rådhus (2014); Graduation Show, Oslo National Academy of the Arts (2013); NOoSPHERE, New York. Oct 5th – 28th INTERNATIONAL JURIED SHOW (2013), Galleri Seilduken, Oslo (2013); Galleri Ramfjord, Oslo (2012); Oslo National Academy of the Arts , Oslo2011).

This residency in supported in part by the ongoing studio partnership with Residency Unlimited.