Have a Drink with Artists Alliance Inc!

Join Artists Alliance Inc at CultureFix on Friday, October 4th from 6-10pm to grab a drink and catch up with AAI. Get to know our staff, learn about our programs, peruse some affordable artwork for sale and hear what we have planned for the future. We will also be hosting a silent auction with work by LES artists David Friedman, Robert Grant, Sebastian Keneas, Bill Massey, Jen Mazza, Steve Mumford, Nicole Parcher, Mark Power and Flavia Sosza.

By having a drink with us, you’ll also be supporting our programs. Our pals at CultureFix will be donating $1 for every drink sold, so bring your friends and drink up!

We can’t wait to see/meet you all!!

Special thanks to Enrique Figueredo for his mad drawing skillz, Mark Power, Bill Massey and Chilton Harper for organizing the night, and of course the amazing people of CultureFix!

To view artwork for sale, click here.