Showing 2 Result(s)

The Chinese Encyclopedia

A character in a Borges story finds an old Chinese encyclopedia that presents a strange taxonomy of animals, dividing them into the following categories: (a) belonging to the Emperor(b) embalmed(c) tame(d) suckling pigs(e) sirens(f) fabulous(g) stray dogs(h) included in the present classification(i) frenzied(j) innumerable(k) drawn with a very fine camelhair brush(l) et cetera(m) having just …

Feedback: Working Space 09

Featuring Wonjung Choi, Christopher Clary, Denise DeSpirito, Mike Estabrook, Jen Mazza, Min Oh, Harumi Ori, Oraib Toukan Curated by Thomas J. Lax Opening Reception: June 27, 4-6 pm Exhibition Dates: June 20 through August 1, 2009 Feedback: Working Space 09 is our annual exhibition featuring works selected by guest curator Thomas J. Lax from artists participating …