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Geografía(s) del Jiquilite al Añil

Download Education and Accessibility Materials for Geografía(s) del Jiquilite al Añil “Agriculture is a weapon of massive construction in the hands of the people and it’s within the reach of our will. We have to transform the country from the bottom, as far down as the earth herself” – Ian Pagán Roig, El Josco Bravo …

On View: Geografía(s) del Jiquilite al Añil

Geografia(s) del Jiquilite al Añil is the first U.S. solo exhibition featuring new work by La Residencia artist Leila Mattina Gregory. Through practice and process-based works, Mattina Gregory shares her research on the cultivation and processing of the añil (indigo) in Puerto Rico, and its connections to the Caribbean and Latin America. Geografia(s) del Jiquilite al Añil is organized by Natalia …