Showing 3 Result(s)

Jonathan Sánchez Noa

Jonathan Sánchez Noa was born in Havana, Cuba and now lives in Brooklyn. His visual art practice examines how histories of colonial extractivism have impacted notions of race, identity and climate. Through papermaking techniques, he imprints tobacco stain patterns directly into raw pulp slabs. A process informed and influenced by personal ritual, spiritual and vision …

Sunny Leerasanthanah

Sunny Leerasanthanah (b. Bangkok, Thailand) observes how notions of time, place, identity, loss, and affinity are embodied, especially via slippage, repetition, liminality, and limitations. Past and ongoing works include prompting strangers to roleplay and hold conversation in character; inviting people to express the collective imaginary on various topics through sketching and speech; examining narratives around …

Alex Strada

Alex Strada is a multimedia artist and educator based in New York City. Through film/video, installation, sound and orality, performance, and public art, her socially engaged projects explore collectivity, critical legal studies, and political transformation. Transdisciplinary collaboration is at the core of her practice. Since 2022, she has served as the inaugural Public Artist in …