Transcendent Writing: Words of (re)affirmation

Clay is the oldest-known ceramic material, with prehistoric humans first discovering its useful properties for pottery making. Beyond its role in crafting vessels, clay also served as a medium for communication, as evidenced by the creation of tablets where marks were carved to communicate early languages—making clay tablets the first known writing medium.

Hosted by P.S. 48 Mapleton School for their regular Family Night, Transcendent Writing: Words of (re)affirmation began with a brief introduction to the history of clay, exploring its diverse uses throughout human history, including its role in the construction of homes and early cities, as a medium for communication and connection, and as a surface for storytelling. Students and their families were prompted to reflect on the resilience of this expressive medium. Each participant explored the possibilities of clay by creating their own tablet. After shaping their tablets and adorning the surface with patterns and textures, everyone was encouraged to carve words and phrases of (re)affirmation into their clay. This exercise fostered physical awareness of the material, creating a deeper connection to personal narrative. Finally, before parting for the evening, all participants were invited to carve one word into a large collective tablet modeled by the artist. This larger-scale communal work remains at P.S. 48 as a testament to this event and the collective creativity shared by its community.

Transcendent Writing: Words of (re)affirmation is commissioned by Artists Alliance Inc. and presented in partnership with and support provided by the PS 48 Mapleton School.

About the Collaborators

Javier Castro (b. 1984) is a Cuban artist whose groundbreaking work focuses on the use of video and multimedia installations to explore the human experience and modes of survival. He uses history to create new analogies and ways of understanding reality and social conflicts.

Castro gets inspiration from everyday aesthetics, modes of survival and affective relationships. He examines contemporary society by presenting a unique perspective of diverse realities; from pleasures and frustrations, to vice and violence, introducing a reflection on the complex condition and psychological struggle of the human being. In this way topics, such as economy, language, sexuality, religion and race are of great interest for his research.

P.S. 48 is committed to creating a nurturing and equitable environment that fosters risk-taking and encourages lifelong learning for ALL. Students and families will have a voice and choice in their learning, think critically, and communicate effectively. We hold clear and high expectations for all members of our school community and honor the diversity of cultures, passions, and interests. We value collaboration amongst families, teachers, students, and staff to develop a school culture that emphasizes a joy and love for learning.