Showing 18 Result(s)

A Light Without a Shadow, No. 3_Kanad Chakrabarti

(1/5) This video screen-grab by @ukc10014 is from a simulation based loosely around JG Ballard’s ‘Terminal Beach’.  The synth-voice (named Sarah, property of the CereProc Corporation) narrates a Ballardian story of self-isolation: a damaged man wrecks himself on the desolate former American nuclear site of Enewetak Atoll (Marshall Islands), wandering, delirious, waiting for the end …

A Light Without Shadow, No. 19_Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani

The Playground Project, or, Imagined Tours “I’ve asked people for guided tours for twenty years. Most often, they’ve walked or driven me around their neighborhoods, and I’ve photographed their places. But this time of social distancing and constrained mobility has got me returning to a different part of that practice, a project in which I’ve …

A Light Without Shadow, No. 18_Ani Liu

01- A Search for Ghosts in the Meat Machine (detail)Examining ways humans seek to understand themselves both through science and personal narrative. A set of nine sculptures exploring the existential notion of being quantifiable in today’s data-obsessed landscape. 02- A Taxonomy of Possible ConsciousnessExploring mind-body dualism, transhumanism, and AI, this work investigates the relationship between …

A Light Without Shadow, No. 17_Gian Maria Tosatti

A page from the artist’s working diary for the project “My Heart is a Void, the Void is a Mirror – Odessa Episode”. The land art project is currently suspended as a consequence of the pandemic. Odessa, 26.10.19 I already spoke about the end of the world. Eight years ago. It is a feeling that permeates me.  To …

A Light Without Shadow, No. 15_Sandra Erbacher & Eddie Villanueva

Sandra Erbacher & Eddie VillanuevaCovid 19 Diary Series Mix media drawings on various papersMarch 2020 – on going 1- Sandra Erbacher – Availability of Childcare in Correlation with Mental Health during Covid192- Sandra Erbacher – Charting Anxiety3- Sandra Erbacher – Charting Depression4- Sandra Erbacher – Level of Fatigue5- Eddie Villanueva – Sleep Consistency During Quarantine6- …

A Light Without Shadow, No. 14_Magali Duzant

“I came across a note, the ripped edge of a yellow legal pad, tucked into the page of a novel. It read, “14,58,3” in one corner, and “observation – observatio – Latin – a way of orienting oneself to something else larger,” in the other. 14, the moon in the morning, or the streetlight, or …

A Light Without Shadow, No. 13_Elizabeth Moran

“Recently the New York Public Library granted me access to the Rose Main Reading Room outside of normal library hours. It was in this room nearly 100 years ago that fact-checking was invented by a small team of women—who have all since been edited out of history. I imagine as the first fact-checkers developed their …

A Light Without Shadow, No. 11_Christie Neptune

“In lockdown, I have been spending a great deal of my time examining and reading materials on the semantics of space and time, perspective and physical location in respect to the body, english spatial terms and most recently Nick Bostrom’s simulation hypothesis. In “A Simulated Reality of Sorts,” 2020, I map out the confines of …

A Light Without Shadow, No. 10_Mo Kong

“My quarantine was about reading, solitude, going through mental struggles, and having a relationship with my close ones. This series of still-lifes was my daily routine and an attempt to not lose a sense of time. They were made using asian household groceries and small sculptures inside my refrigerator.” Mo Kong is a multidisciplinary artist …